How Honey Leads to Delicious Foods

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How Honey Leads to Delicious Foods
Supporting honey bees supports
food production.
Your clients are focused on a healthy lifestyle, which you just can’t have without a balanced, nutritious diet. And believe it or not, honey is part of the framework that allows us to follow such a diet. See, choosing honey supports beekeepers, who then support honey bees. And what keeps our little friends so busy? They pollinate more than a third of the world’s food supply—including many of the fruits, veggies, nuts, and other crops that are so important to a healthy diet.
So when you advise your clients, make sure they know the whole story about honey. Not only is it an all-natural sweetener with benefits of its own, but it’s also vital in supporting beekeepers and the honey bees they care for, who are in turn essential to feeding the world.
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451 Oak St, Frederick, CO 80530