Continuing Education |
Learn about supplements and nutraceuticals for treating cardiovascular disease in this month’s issue of Today’s Dietitian. Read the “Today’s CPE” article, take the 10-question online test, and earn two CPEUs!
Click here for details. |
Field Notes |
Breakdown of Bone Keeps Blood Sugar in Check
Researchers led by Columbia University Medical Center have discovered that the skeleton plays an important role in regulating blood sugar and have further illuminated how bone controls this process. The finding, published in Cell, may lead to more targeted drugs for type 2 diabetes.
Led by Gerard Karsenty, MD, PhD, chair of the department of genetics and development at Columbia University Medical Center, the researchers found that the destruction of old bone during normal skeletal regrowth—a process known as resorption—is necessary to maintain a healthy level of blood glucose.
While resorption occurs throughout the life cycle to make way for new bone, Karsenty’s team discovered that it also stimulates the release of insulin into the bloodstream and improves glucose uptake by cells.
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Other Nutrition News |
FDA Urges Less Antibiotics in Meat
The Chicago Tribune reports on the FDA’s recommendation that antibiotics should be used to ensure animal health, not to promote growth or increase production.
Milk’s Complicated Place in Nutrition
Studies abound, but there’s no clear conclusion as to whether milk is good for us or not, according to the Chicago Tribune. |
Advertising Opportunities |
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Editor's E-Note |

What’s new in diabetes? Perhaps the better question is what isn’t new in diabetes. Research is continually yielding fresh insights into the mechanisms behind the disease, and manufacturers are developing ever-better technology for diabetes management.
Speaking of technology, this month’s print issue features content on how continuous glucose monitors and other devices are helping athletes with diabetes compete at top performance. For that story and more, check out our August print edition online at www.TodaysDietitian.com.
This month’s E-News Exclusive features several highlights from the 2010 American Diabetes Association Annual Scientific Sessions. Read it to find out about an intervention to reduce diabetes risk among middle school students, among other important points of discussion that took place during this year’s sessions.
— Heather W. Gurk, editor |
Don't have your copy of TD? Read our digital issue online! |
Now, you have access to all the news, articles and professional insights found in the print magazine anytime via our digital edition. The August digital issue is now posted on our website at www.TodaysDietitian.com/digital. |
E-News Exclusive |
Highlights From the American Diabetes Association’s Scientific Sessions
By Janice H. Dada, MPH, RD, CSSD, CDE, CHES
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) welcomed approximately 17,000 people to the 70th Annual Scientific Sessions in Orlando, Fla., in June. More than 13,000 of the attendees were healthcare professionals from around the world who wanted to learn the latest in research, treatment, and education. The following are some highlights from this year’s meeting:
Patient-Centered Care Model
The presidential address, delivered by Richard M. Bergenstal, ADA president of medicine and science, executive director of the International Diabetes Center (IDC) in Minneapolis, and professor at the University of Minnesota, focused on the patient-centered care model.
Full Story » |
Ask the Expert |
Have a dietetics-related question that you would like an expert to answer? E-mail TDeditor@gvpub.com and we may feature your query!
I have been a dietitian for many years and I would like to become more knowledgeable in parenteral nutrition. I haven’t had much experience in this. What are the best resources for me to use for a new start?
Great to hear that you’re motivated to learn about parenteral nutrition (PN). No doubt having this knowledge will be a valuable professional asset.
The American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) is an invaluable resource for professionals who seek to expand their knowledge of PN (www.nutritioncare.org). Among the education opportunities, ASPEN offers a live, interactive, online Nutrition Support Review Course that requires one hour of your time per week for eight weeks and covers topics such as PN, enteral nutrition (EN) and PN access, and critical care.
Another worthwhile option is ASPEN’s 90-minute teleseminars, which are presented on a wide variety of nutrition support topics and led by experts in the field. The teleseminars are completed from the comfort of your own home or office, consist of a 60-minute educational presentation followed by a 30-minute question and answer session, and allow you to earn continuing education credits. If you can’t complete the live teleseminars, ASPEN’s website offers a complete library of past teleseminars that can be downloaded for a fee and would allow you to pick and choose which topics you’d like to learn about.
ASPEN also offers a CD-ROM instructing users how to formulate and write PN orders as well as effectively monitor response to PN therapy.
On a local level, I’d strongly suggest networking within your professional dietetic association. You may find a fellow RD working in the area of PN who is willing to allow you to “shadow” him or her on the job. If you desire more formal hands-on training, Rush University in Chicago offers an intensive five-day ICU Nutrition Support Practicum in which you work with adult patients receiving PN and EN. The program, accessible at www.rushu.rush.edu, costs $500 and allows you to earn 40 CPEUs.
— Megan Tempest, RD, LDN, is a clinical dietitian at the University of Chicago Medical Center. |
Print Preview |
In the September issue
Japan’s school lunch program
How snacking can be beneficial
Eating a responsible vegan diet
Unique jobs in dietetics
Strategies to gain more practice referrals |
