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In the June issue
Budget-friendly ways to go organic
Potential benefits of statins beyond preventing/treating CVD
Go high tech with nutrition apps
Initiatives to improve American Indian health |
Have a dietetics-related question that you would like an expert to answer? E-mail TDeditor@gvpub.com and we may feature your query! |
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Well into their golden years, older adults may take a rather humdrum approach to their everyday routine. They may not even notice when they stop taking walks around the block and replace daily bouts of exercise with more time spent idle on the couch or relaxing on a porch.
While it’s certainly OK for seniors to enjoy the later years of their life and forgo the vigorous activities in which they perhaps once engaged, they must keep moving to maintain body mass and reap the benefits that physical activity can provide.
This month’s E-News Exclusive discusses the importance of exercise in older age and the ways individuals can regain their energy and even help ward off chronic disease.
— Heather W. Gurk, editor |
Fitting Fitness Into Later Life By Lenora Dannelke
Do your clients think that age slows them down and tires them out? Rather than advancing years, the more likely culprit behind declining physical abilities in older adults is inactivity. While pointing out that exercise can improve heart health and reduce plaque in arteries, Andrea Conner, MPH, RD, CDE, CPT, owner of WellBody Nutrition and Fitness in Scottsdale, Ariz., also notes, “One of the major benefits for people older than 65 is the mood elevation and the contact, potentially, with other people. It reduces the isolation that sometimes occurs when they lose friends or family members.”
Joining a mall walking club, finding a gym with “silver sneakers” programs, or becoming involved with the community through events such as diabetes walks can be a good start. Older adults should “look for things that are fun and not necessarily super high intensity,” Conner says, citing ballroom dancing, golfing, or moderate hiking as examples. “Those allow for movement that is weight bearing, which can be important to prevent or help in the treatment of osteoporosis or osteopenia. When compared to something like bike riding, that helps build up the bone.”
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Weight Loss Helps the Mind, Too USA Today reports that patients who lose an average of 50 lbs showed improvements in multiple cognitive abilities.
Fit for Two
A full month after delivery, babies born to mothers who exercised while pregnant were found to have healthier hearts than other infants, according to The New York Times. |
Do Popular Diets Prevent Cancer?
Not all diet plans help reduce a person’s chances of developing cancer, according to experts at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. Nutrition experts from Anderson separate the good from the bad among popular diets.
“Losing weight can help lower your chances for cancer if you’re overweight or obese,” says Daxaben Amin, a senior clinical dietitian in the department of clinical nutrition. “But beware [because] not just any weight-loss plan will give your body the nutrients it needs to fight off diseases like cancer.
“Diets that make our ‘good list’ encourage long-term change,” Amin continues. “They also give you a variety of options from all food groups.”
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