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Social workers care about their clients, but rarely do they have time to care about themselves. Show yourself a little appreciation with field-inspired gear from our Gift Shop. We've got the perfect item for every situation from busy days in the office to at home visits. Check out our secure online shop today or call toll-free 877-809-1659 for easy and fast ordering. |
Active, Independent Older Adults Using Cell Phone Texting Reminders
The Front Porch Center for Technology Innovation and Wellbeing was awarded a mobile health grant from the Center for Technology and Aging for its Minding Our Meds: Demonstrating Senior Medication Adherence With Cell Phone Texting Reminders project. The project will address medication adherence among active, independent older adults using a cell phone texting service. Learn more » |
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Mental health professionals understand the power of a DSM diagnosis. They know it often open doors to treatment eligibility and helps clients qualify for certain programs and other kinds of assistance. The DSM is far from perfect, but it remains the primary tool that clinicians use to codify myriad mental health conditions.
That is why the research findings discussed in this month’s E-News Exclusive are important ones for children with Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and their families. Autism-like behaviors are often difficult to differentiate from repetitive behaviors, communication difficulties, and other cognitive delays associated with intellectual disability. But new findings from a longitudinal study confirm that the DSM can be used to accurately identify ASD in children with Down syndrome.
Read more about this positive development for thousands of children and their families affected by these conditions.
And remember to follow Social Work Today on Facebook and Twitter!
— Marianne Mallon, editor |
New Findings Validate Accuracy of Autism Diagnosis in Children With Down Syndrome
New findings from a 16-year study confirm that the DSM, the gold standard for the classification of mental health conditions, can be used to accurately identify autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in children with Down syndrome (DS), according to research from the Kennedy Krieger Institute.
Previously, the diagnosis of autism in children with DS has been questioned because of the presence of cognitive impairments in these individuals, despite estimates that 10% to 15% of children with DS are affected by both disorders. Autism-like behaviors are often difficult to differentiate from repetitive behaviors, communication difficulties, and other cognitive delays associated with intellectual disability. Because of these challenges, physicians often hesitate to diagnose ASD in children with DS, leaving them unable to receive important therapy and educational services.
Full Story » |
Environmentalism & Social Work — The Ultimate Social Justice Issue
Social workers have long been trained to look through the person-in-environment lens but are overdue in considering natural resources as part of that environment. Prioritizing the conservation of natural resources is a social justice issue. Read more »
Spiritually Sensitive Hospice Care
Hospice staff members use various skills and activities to enhance patient life meaning and spiritual well-being at the end of life. Read more »
Developing Native American Expertise in Social Work
One goal of Salish Kootenai College’s social work program is to undertake research that Native American tribes can use to tailor their social programs to their communities. Read more »
Proposed New Diagnosis for Tantrums and Outbursts Sparks Controversy
The Los Angeles Times reports on a proposal to create a new category of childhood disorders that is prompting debate in the mental health community.
Minority, Special Ed Advocates Voice Concern Over No Child Left Behind Waivers
According to NPR, some advocates of minority and special education students are worried that waivers of No Child Left Behind will turn the clock back to a time when these students were ignored.
Yoga for People With Cancer and Their Caregivers The Washington Post reports on programs offering yoga for its therapeutic value to patients with cancer and their caregivers.
LGBT Patients Waiting for Healthcare to Catch Up
According to The Boston Globe, despite overall progress in attitudes toward LGBT individuals, the medical community still lags behind. |
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