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As clinicians and researchers continue to study and treat eating disorders, different manifestations of the disorders are emerging. While these behaviors are not yet considered diagnoses and are not included in the DSM, they are eating disturbances and subclinical eating issues that may be observed in a growing number of practices.
This month’s E-News Exclusive reviews some of the eating behaviors emerging in a culture with an increasing number of people obsessed with food, weight, and body image issues.
We welcome your comments at SWTeditor@gvpub.com and please follow Social Work Today on Facebook and Twitter.
— Marianne Mallon, editor |
Clinicians Prepared to Address Emerging Eating Disturbances By Jennifer Van Pelt, MA
Every day we are bombarded by marketing messages about the best diet and the healthiest foods, with images of svelte celebrities touting the most effective way to lose weight.
As our society’s views on food and body image evolve so are the many ways that individuals perceive food, a healthy diet, and body type. Consequently, eating disorders and their manifestations are also evolving. The “official” clinical diagnoses of eating disorders have not yet changed; however, other eating disturbances are receiving attention.
Recent news articles have reported on new conditions that involve issues with food and body image. Two of the more common conditions are adult selective eating and orthorexia. Other proposed conditions include diabulimia, pregorexia, and drunkorexia.
Full Story » |
Couples & Money: Financial Social Work to the Rescue
Are money problems really just about money? Hear what financial social workers have to say about how they help couples sort out financial and relationship issues. Read more »
The Power of Play Therapy
As playtime decreases in competitive, tech-oriented classrooms, the use of play therapy is growing. What’s the connection? Read more »
Mindfulness as an Adjunct Intervention With Dually Diagnosed Individuals
An intervention based on the Buddhist principles of awareness has become increasingly prevalent as an adjunct intervention in clinical settings. Read more » |
Project Promotes Tolerance and Empathy in School Culture
According to The New York Times, a school project is helping students understand and empathize with classmates who are different, some due to disabilities.
Father Helps Son by Creating Communications App
USA Today reports on a computer science professor who has invented a device that helps his son tackle communication challenges presented by a genetic developmental condition.
Aging at Home a More Viable Option for Older Adults
According to the Los Angeles Times, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is helping elders with in-home alternatives to nursing home care.
New Dads Can Be Depressed, Too
The The New York Times reports on a study showing that some men may experience postpartum depression similar to the condition in women. |
Cancer Support Community Introduces Free Mobile Application
This free mobile application provides tools to patients with cancer and their caregivers to address physical, social, and emotional concerns related to living with cancer and its treatment. Learn more »
Human Services Technology Provider Offers Software for Tracking Homeless Clients
This software provides a single database of client information across multiple organizations, enabling care providers to collaborate in ensuring food, clothing, temporary housing, benefits assistance, and other vital services to people who are homeless. Learn more »
Tool Helps Healthcare Providers Ensure Safety of Wandering Clients
This wristwatch-style device uses cell phone technology to locate individuals with dementia, autism, or other impairments who may wander and be at risk of injury or other unsafe situations. Learn more » |
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