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Adult ADHD — Hidden Diagnosis
Depression, anxiety, and substance abuse are just a few conditions that can mask adult ADHD. Read more »
7 Secrets of Highly Successful Coaches
Social Work Today presents a valuable guide to making your move into coaching a smart one.
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Service on a Global Stage — Social Workers’ Response to Haiti Earthquake
Social workers who have served in Haiti either before or after the earthquake say the disaster provides an unprecedented opportunity for the social work profession to demonstrate the power of its holistic, strengths-based, person-in-environment perspective. Read more »
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Editor’s E-Note |
My mother liked to tell me that "money isn’t everything, but it is when you don’t have it." President Barack Obama echoed that sentiment 50 years later in his statement, "Money is not the only answer, but it makes a difference."
Indeed it does, and social workers know that more than anyone. They know that when the economic chips are down, it is often social services that get cut first. Why our culture undervalues and compensates the least for, some may say, the most difficult and challenging jobs such as social workers, police officers, firefighters, and teachers is a perennial question for another time.
What we face now and in the years to come is how billions of dollars will be allocated to various regions and communities as a result of the 2010 Census.
Our E-News Exclusive explains how the census results will affect social workers and their clients, some of the most vulnerable individuals in the country, and often the “uncounted” when the counting is done every decade.
The article also suggests the possibility of a bigger role for social workers in the census-taking process in the years to come. This year, along with other government, nonprofit, community, and corporate organizations, the National Association of Social Workers and the National Association of Black Social Workers Inc pledged to mobilize their constituents as part of the Census Partners program.
Read about how the census numbers count for your clients and programs and understand that your services, agencies, and organizations are valuable enough to get the financial support they need.
Enjoy the newsletter and become a Social Work Today Facebook fan through our website at www.SocialWorkToday.com.
— Marianne Mallon, editor |
E-News Exclusive |
2010 Census Results Could Affect Social Work Funding, Practice
By Christina Reardon
Guadalupe G. Lara, LMSW, retired from social work practice a few years ago. But this year she found a new use for her skills in an unlikely place: the U.S. Census Bureau.
Hired as a regional migrant partnership specialist, Lara’s job was to work with nonprofits that serve migrant communities to raise this population’s awareness of and participation in the 2010 Census. She soon found that many of the skills she practiced as a social worker were invaluable for reaching migrants, many of whom were wary of the census due to government distrust and fears about immigration policy.
“(Social workers) know how to send the same message in different ways to different populations,” says Lara, whose territory included Michigan, Ohio, and West Virginia. “They know how to be strengths based, and they know how to handle interpersonal relationship building.”
Full Story » |
Other Social Work News... |
Environmental Disaster Brings Residents to Breaking Point
Still recovering from Katrina, residents of the Gulf region affected by the BP oil spill are traumatized as they witness their lives and livelihoods again erode before them, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Pressure on Military to Take Mental Health Seriously
NPR.org reports that a probe into the military’s handling of postraumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injuries is widening after coverage by NPR and ProPublica.
Child Care Needs Driving Women to Welfare, Not Work
As reported in The New York Times, many women with young children would like to work but without affordable child care options, welfare is a choice they wish they didn’t have to make.
Group Calls for Routine Pediatric Mental Health Checks
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that pediatricians perform regular mental health screenings and develop a network of community mental health professionals to which they can refer patients, according to a Wall Street Journal article. |
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