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As more previously uninsured individuals become insured, more people will have access to coverage for untreated and undertreated addictive disorders.
Interdisciplinary teams of addiction professionals must be prepared to treat growing numbers of individuals who, along with now having insurance coverage, are also learning from scientific research that addiction is a chronic disease like many others, caused by biological and developmental factors and with a predictable course, if not addressed by effective treatment. With coverage for treatment and a greater understanding and acceptance of addiction as a disease, more individuals may make the very difficult but critical decision to seek treatment.
Many social workers and other professionals become certified addictions professionals, but physician training in addiction medicine is sorely lacking. This month’s E-News Exclusive reports on changes that will hopefully begin to address this critical shortage.
Why is this important? Because more trained addiction medicine physicians will be prepared to join other addiction professionals in the interdisciplinary care of patients with addictive disorders. That is good news.
We welcome your comments at SWTeditor@gvpub.com. Visit our website at www.SocialWorkToday.com and join our Facebook page.
— Marianne Mallon, editor |
First Addiction Medicine Residencies Accredited
The American Board of Addiction Medicine (ABAM) Foundation has accredited 10 training programs, the nation’s first postgraduate addiction medicine residencies for physicians. The foundation also released its program requirements and curriculum objectives, national guidelines for addiction medicine residencies.
Trained addiction medicine physicians will now join other addiction professionals in the interdisciplinary care of patients with addictive disorders. Physician specialists in addiction medicine will bring unique skills and competencies to the treatment team, using all appropriate treatment modalities to contribute to prevention and the care of individuals and families.
Full Story » |
Clinical Supervision in Healthcare in the Internet Era
Learn about the new ethical, legal, and practice issues clinical supervisors of social workers in healthcare face in the current online climate. Read more »
Military Sexual Trauma
Sexual assault, no matter when or where it occurs, is a horrible crime causing lifelong mental and physical health problems. But for victims of military sexual trauma, the consequences may be even more severe. Read more »
Incivility and Self-Doubt in the Social Work Classroom: A Survivor’s Tale
For any new instructor, stepping into the classroom can be terrifying. This doctoral student tells her story of survival. Read more » |
Peer Support Helps Troubled Classmates The New York Times reports on peer support programs at several colleges and universities that are teaching students how to listen and get help for classmates with potential mental health problems.
Veterans With PTSD Pursue Discharge Upgrade
According to The Boston Globe, veterans who were other-than-honorably discharged and were denied benefits but later diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder are taking legal action to change their discharge status.
Genetic Counselors Help Patients Understand Risk of Illness
The Los Angeles Times reports on genetic counselors who are helping laypeople make sense of complex DNA test results showing genomes that put them at risk of major illnesses.
Transocean/BP Disaster Survivors' Struggle Continues CNN reports on oil rig disaster survivors as they struggle with posttraumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, depression, and anxiety. |
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