Effectiveness of CAD With Mammography Questioned
After analyzing 1.6 million mammograms from nearly 100 facilities between 1998 and 2006, researchers found that computer-aided detection technology used with breast cancer screening didn’t help doctors find invasive tumors and actually led to additional unnecessary testing for many women, according to the Los Angeles Times.
IOM, FDA Spar Over Medical Device Approval Process
The Washington Post reports on recent recommendations by Institute of Medicine experts to overhaul the FDA 510(k) program. The FDA’s Jeffrey Shuren counters “that the [current] process should not be eliminated but we are open to additional proposals and approaches for continued improvement of our device review programs.”
Texas Health System Utilizes Cloud for Image Sharing
An InformationWeek article looks at just how the cloud has helped Houston-based Memorial Hermann Healthcare System improve image sharing among 11 hospitals and 28 imaging centers. |
When should women with a normal risk of breast cancer begin mammography? Most imaging and cancer organizations in the United States advocate screening mammograms beginning at the age of 40. The controversial U.S. Preventive Services Task Force guidelines recommend a discussion between patient and doctor to make that decision for women between the ages of 40 and 49, followed by routine screening mammography beginning at age 50.
Whichever position you support, is your facility advocating it in your community of patients and referrers?
— Jim Knaub, editor |
When to Begin Mammography Screening
Whatever Your Position, Let Patients Know
By Jim Knaub
Virginia Moyer, MD, chaired the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) that issued the recommendations that women between the ages of 40 and 49 at normal risk of breast cancer make a joint decision with their physician about whether to begin mammograms at age 40.
The ACR, the Society of Breast Imaging, the American Cancer Society, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists all recommend women at normal risk of breast cancer begin annual mammograms at age 40.
In a world seeking “just-tell-me-what-to-do” clarity, such nuance can cause problems. In the case of the USPSTF mammography recommendations, the term “problem” is an understatement. The furor caused by the recommendations—and particularly the botched presentation of the recommendations—have reverberated through the medical and mainstream media reports on a regular basis since the guidelines’ release in 2009.
Full Story » |
11 Planning Lessons Learned
Imaging staff from Georgia’s Meadows Regional Medical Center share lessons they learned while transitioning their department to a new facility in hopes of helping others attempting the same process. Read more »
In Whose Best Interest? Different Views of Self-Referral
Physicians on either side of the heated imaging self-referral debate look at the same evidence yet draw very different conclusions.
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From Jeopardy! to Medical Diagnosis
IBM’s Watson uses Nuance language processing technology in a collaboration that seeks the end result of a diagnostic computer. Read more »
Going RIS-Less?
For teleradiology or other groups doing only outside reads, a Web-based information system may make more sense than RIS. Read more »
Finding Holes in IT Security
One privacy misstep can cause massive headaches for a healthcare organization, and an organization’s own employees may prove to be the biggest risk.
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On the Case
Check out our original case study department, edited by radiologist Rahul V. Pawar, MD, DABR. Read more »
Also, you can check out the entire issue in the Radiology Today digital edition. |
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