Making mHealth More Open
According to MIT’s Technology Review, a new project has set its sights on creating a platform to share mobile health data.
EMRs Emphasize the Need for Clarity
Nuance’s Janet Dillione recently penned a piece for the Huffington Post on how EMRs affect patient care.
Have a coding or transcription question? Get an expert answer by sending an e-mail to edit@gvpub.com.
This month’s selection:
Can anyone indicate Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) (or any other) guidelines for where to find therapeutic marcaine (billable) vs. not payable when billed with Depo. There is a huge debate where I work as to whether or not marcaine can be billed/paid when mixed with Depo/Kenalog. Then the doctor writes on the charge ticket that marcaine is therapeutic but mixed with another prescription. My understanding is that the doctor can write therapeutic but if marcaine (-caine) is mixed with another drug, it is no longer payable as therapeutic.
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Medic Mobile SIM App
This SIM application for healthcare can operate on 80% of the world’s phones, providing an accessible and affordable flow of information. Read more »
St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children Mobile App
This application further connects the hospital to community members and increases access to health-related information. Read more »
Cancer Support Community Mobile App
This application provides cancer patients and their caregivers with tools to address their concerns related to living with cancer and its treatment. Read more » |
Click here to nominate an HIM professional who has gone above and beyond the call of duty to better serve the industry. The 10 most-deserving candidates will be profiled in our Oct. 24 print issue. Nominate Your HIM Hero » |
The personal story of an Indiana woman helps illustrate the healthcare industry’s ongoing battle to keep tabs of its data.
In this month’s E-News Exclusive, learn what steps are being taken to remedy the situation and how organizations can be more vigilant in their quest to maintain privacy and security standards.
— Lee DeOrio, editor |
Healthcare Information Security Breaches By Mary Anne Gates
Stolen or misused computers are a big headache for medical facilities and the individuals they serve. Sensitive data may suddenly be in the hands of thieves. Medical, financial, and other personal information can be at great risk for misuse and abuse.
Stolen and Misused Computers
Recently, two laptop computers were stolen from an outpatient area at Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage, Calif., according to Elizabeth Wholihan, director of marketing and public relations. She says there was no personal health information on the computers and no content that would require sending notifications to patients.
According to Wholihan, police recovered the laptops on March 10, a few days after they had been stolen. However, she told the Desert Sun that a computer stolen from Eisenhower Medical Center on March 11 contained personal information on 514,330 patients dating back to the 1980s.
The medical center is not alone in its computer woes. In February, Jean Williams of Roanoke, Ind., learned personal information, including her credit card number, may have been compromised by an Arizona cord blood registry facility that freezes and stores umbilical cord blood for later use. According to Williams, some time prior to February, one of the facilities’ laptops was found in the backseat of an employee’s car.
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Recognizing Excellence
Through innovation and hard work, the HFMA's MAP Award winners are reaching the heights of revenue cycle success. Read more »
EHR Adoption: The Evolution of Physician Acceptance
Retrace the long and winding path that has led healthcare providers to the verge of widespread EHR use. Read more »
Layin' Down the Law
Two recent cases serve as examples of the Office of Civil Rights' intensified efforts to punish HIPAA violators. Read more »
Upon Closer Inspection…
Chart auditing programs help providers and health systems determine where their documentation may be falling short. Read more » |
VitalView ICD-10 Vendor Readiness Dashboard Introduced
VitalWare, a source on ICD-10 vendor readiness, announcedits new VitalView platform at the Healthcare Financial Management Association’s ANI Conference. VitalView is an executive dashboard that collects, analyzes, and reports which vendors are meeting ICD-10 timelines and requirements, giving healthcare organizations the insight and vendor intelligence needed to make informed decisions for business continuity.
VitalView provides a progress report on vendor software to ensure compliance and necessary testing by the October 1, 2013, deadline. By making vendor readiness more transparent, healthcare organizations can see which business and financial systems are at risk and make informed decisions for improved project management, sustained productivity, and uninterrupted reimbursement.
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Netsmart Technologies Names Michael Valentine as CEO
Netsmart Technologies, Inc, a provider of software and services for health and human services organizations, recently announced that Michael Valentine has been named as the company's CEO. Valentine joined Netsmart from Cerner Corporation, where he served as executive vice president and chief operating officer.
"Mike's background in health information technology will be valuable as Netsmart helps its clients address key emerging trends such as integration with primary care, certification, interoperability, and increasing consumer involvement in the care process," says Mark Hanson, chairman of Netsmart and managing director of Genstar Capital, Netsmart's investment partner.
In his most recent role at Cerner, Valentine was responsible for all global operations, including sales, consulting, technology, solution direction, and support for Cerner's worldwide operations.
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