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Editor’s E-Note
In the race to implement electronic medical record systems, one group of healthcare professionals often flies under the radar. Nurses are affected by HIT projects as much as anyone, but deployments often don’t take into account their workflow processes. This month’s E-News Exclusive examines a potential solution that brings their concerns to the table.
— Lee DeOrio, Editor |
E-News Exclusive |
Reclaiming Workflow Productivity With Mobile Computer Carts
By Amanda Burgess, RN, BSN
Clinical documentation at the bedside is gaining ground in healthcare thanks to the adoption of electronic medical records (EMRs) and other clinical systems. The benefits of this advance are well known and understood: Patient safety improves. Access to information is immediate and comprehensive, and consistent processes and data structure enhance accuracy and quality.
Yet one significant misconception about automating workflow at the point of care persists: Hospitals assume that this model will inevitably save time and boost nurse productivity. On the contrary, unless special efforts are made, nurses and other practitioners may require additional time to step through new sequences or routines.
Recently in For The Record… |
The 411 on Cell Phone Applications in Healthcare
A fairly new movement that seems to be gaining steam, the mHealth Initiative spotlights how these everyday devices can help improve the flow of information in a variety of settings. Read more
Get With the Times
In this day and age, it’s necessary to make sure data security measures are up to speed, or serious privacy issues may develop. Read more
Is RFID Technology Too Nosy?
These GPS-like devices serve many useful functions inside healthcare facilities, but privacy advocates worry that there are other consequences that are far less appealing. Read more |
Other News |
Mississippi Makes Online Records a Priority
The Sun Herald reports that efforts have begun to make the state a leader in the electronic management of medical records.
Missouri Hospital Shows Off Its HIT Acumen
The Springfield News Leader spotlights a local hospital that has implemented an electronic health record.
Ask the Expert |
Have a coding or transcription question? Get an expert answer by sending an e-mail to This month’s selection:
Does the physician have to document the severity of malnutrition, or can we take the documentation from the registered dietitian’s notes?
Donna Ludwig, CCS
I can find no Coding Clinic or Faye Brown or Official Coding Guideline that permits coders to use nurse or dietitian documentation to support the severity designation for a physician diagnosis of malnutrition.
Industry Insight |
Southern Arizona Health Information Exchange Chooses Vendor
The Southern Arizona Health Information Exchange (SAHIE) has chosen Wellogic as its strategic partner to establish its HIE. Wellogic and its partners, Apollo Health Street and Initiate Systems, will provide software-as-a-service–based clinical solutions and services to the SAHIE’s 40-plus member organizations, which include providers, health plans, diagnostic service organizations, and the state of Arizona.