In This Issue... |

in Aging Well |
Going Up! Elevator Injuries on the Rise
Practitioners can take measures to improve elevator safety among older adults, a population at particular risk for elevator-related injuries.
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Unlocking Memory: Art and Music Serve as Keys
Even when practitioners believe there's no possibility of reaching elders with Alzheimer’s disease, music and art therapies can foster memory recall and promote communication. Read more »
Ankle Replacements Keep Boomers Moving
Eager to maintain their active lifestyles, boomers can take advantage of cutting-edge techniques and devices that make ankle replacement a promising option to combat ankle arthritis or injury. Read more » |

Other Aging News... |
‘Villages’ Let Older Adults Age at Home
Village living offers an aging-in-place environment likely to appeal to boomers, according to an article in USA Today.
Working to Advance Alzheimer’s Research Efforts
Working together and sharing data via the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative continues to advance AD research efforts, The News & Observer reports.
Can Dementia Be Prevented?
Researchers have developed new guidelines for earlier diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, according to an article in The Boston Globe.
Spinal Fluid Test Predicts Alzheimer’s
State-of-the-art testing methods can now predict Alzheimer's disease in the future of those with positive markers, according to an article in The New York Times.

Editor’s E-Note |

Technological advances enable older adults to remain in their homes and independent—which, of course, is where they want to be. Various devices and systems allow family members, neighbors, or other caregivers to be alerted if elders miss medication doses, fail to eat meals, don’t get out of bed, or fall and need help.
The decision to implement a particular system to monitor older adults’ movement and activities involves many important considerations, not the least of which is the extent of intrusion into elders’ lives. At the same time it’s necessary to ensure elders’ safety, it’s essential to keep aging in place as normal and routine as possible without elders’ concern about the watchful presence of “big brother.”
Some devices can provide peace of mind for caregivers separated by hundreds of miles from mom or dad. Others, quite literally, offer lifesaving connections in cases of emergencies that find elders alone and in need of help. Practitioners can be helpful in providing advice and recommendations on systems best suited to their patients’ and clients’ needs.
We welcome your comments at AWeditor@gvpub.com. And visit Aging Well’s website at www.AgingWellmag.com or our Facebook page for news, articles, and information important to professionals in the field of aging, as well as to subscribe to our print or digital issues.
— Barbara Worthington, editor |
E-News Exclusive |
Technology Promotes Independent Living
By Roselle Cronan, MBA
New technology provides elder patients with the opportunity to age in place without compromising their independence. Innovations such as automated wellness calls, personal emergency response systems using mobile and GPS technology, and wireless motion-sensor in-home monitoring systems alert a family member, neighbor, or caregiver when there is an emergency.
More than nine out of 10 people over the age of 65 live in their own homes, with the majority content with their living arrangements, according to a 2009 Pew Research Center study. However, as people age, they become more vulnerable to accidents and illnesses and often find themselves unable to summon help. Each year more than one third of adults over the age of 65 suffer a fall, which is the leading cause of injury-related death, according to the Administration on Aging.
Full Story » |
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